Jerusalem – Ramallah: Sinokrot Holding has taken a package of measures to protect its employees from the emerging corona virus, Covid 19, by distributing personal protective equipment, including hand sanitizer, gloves, masks and other sterilization materials for cars and offices, including other measures that the company will take soon. The following is the text of the electronic message explaining some of the measures taken by Sinokrot Holding to protect its employees from the Coronavirus, and this step came within the company’s efforts to protect its employees and maintain their safety, calling on all companies, institutions and bodies operating in Palestine to take such measures in the near future.
Sinokrot Holding,
Wishes for continued health and wellness and after,
In the interest of the management of Sinokrot Holding, represented by the Chairman of its Board of Directors, His Excellency Eng. Mazen Sinokrot, for the health and safety of his sons, employees of Sinokrot Holding and its subsidiary companies, and in application of the slogan “The human is the most valuable thing we have” and in application of the safety and security approach followed in the company and as a matter of precaution (prevention is better than a pound of treatment) we would like to inform you that the company has taken a package of measures to confront the scourge of the era, the Coronavirus (Covid 19), as follows :
First: Using the medical hand sanitizer present in all company facilities when using the attendance monitor (fingerprint) and after using the bathrooms at all times.
Second: To wear hand gloves and masks designated for this purpose when needed and to request them at any time from reception and the main offices in different departments and locations.
Third: The use of medical hand sanitizer, which will be provided to all employees by the company, and which can be hung inside the personal / company cars / on the handbag continuously.
Fourth: Immediately notify the human resources department or the company’s management of suspicion that any member of the company’s family appears to have signs of the virus .
Fifth: Follow the following instructions :
1 -.- Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water that contains sterile material for at least 20 seconds after shaking hands, and avoid touching the eyes, nose and mouth before washing hands .
2- Adherence to good practices with regard to food safety, such as avoiding eating eggs and undercooked meat, or food prepared under unsanitary conditions, and washing fruits and vegetables well before eating them.
3- Take good care of personal and clothes cleanliness.
4- Avoid contact with live / dead animals .
5- Avoid direct contact with people who are sick, and take care to clean and disinfect surfaces that are constantly contaminated.
6- Drink a large amount of liquids, especially mineral / filtered water, available in the different departments of the company.
7- One-time use of sterile sanitary napkins, especially when sneezing, not spreading the sneeze spray in the air, and disposing of the tissues immediately and properly.
8- Not to share personal items / supplies.
9- Check with your family doctor regularly and get instructions to strengthen your immune system.
10- Engaging in sports activities and avoiding harmful habits, especially smoking in cafes or places that do not follow health and safety regulations and instructions .
11- Follow up on bulletins and instructions issued by the competent authorities, especially the Palestinian Ministry of Health.
With our best wishes for safety and health for everyone,
Sinokrot Holding