Category: blogs

Dates have been a staple food for thousands of years because of its high-energy due to its high content of carbohydrate sugars and many vitamins and minerals. In 2018, the global production volume of dates amounted to about 8.53 million metric tons, depicting its large and increasing demand. There are many types of dates, and […]

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This article wishes to examine the process of date palm cultivation. It has been determined that for successful growth and productivity, the grower needs to explore and implement suitable conditions for the following factors: Land Preparation Climate requirements Planting operation Fertilization requirements Harvesting Land Preparation Before planting, the land that wishes to be planted for […]

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dates are considered one of the fruits of high nutritional value, as they contain the most important nutrients such as fiber, minerals, and vitamins that help the fetus grow safely and healthily inside the mother's womb. It also contains natural sugar, which provides the necessary energy for the body of the pregnant woman, especially in […]

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